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I am an award-winning novelist whose most recent book is the Gothic Civil War Thriller: Blood Clan (Rogue Phoenix Press, 2024). My other novels include the SciFi dystopian novels, Gods of IMAGO (RPP, 2023) and  IMAGO (Rogue Phoenix Press, 2019),  Go Down To Silence, which was a finalist for the Christy Award, and has sold over 10,000 copies to date. My other books include Seeds: Meditations on Grace in a World with Teeth (Crosslink Publishing, 2017). I am a 2008 Christopher Isherwood Grant Recipient, an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train's January 2012 Short-Short Fiction Contest. I have written the screenplay (the Pilot and Pitch Deck) for the novel Blood Clan – Limited Series, which is currently under review with several production companies. The Pilot for Go Down To Silence (also a Limited Series) was a Quarter Finalist for the 2023 The Script Lab Screenwriting Contest. I teach writing at Capital University, Columbus, OH, as well as at Antioch University.